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Welcome to Hopkinton Soccer Club

Welcome to Hopkinton Soccer Club

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors are comprised of the following:

President: Beth Marchand
Secretary: Elizabeth Sides
Registrar & Treasurer: Mary Welles
Coaching Director: Scott Zipke
Equipment Director: Jane Doherty 
Fields Director: Sophia van Hoff
Public Relations / Communications: OPEN - seeking a volunteer

6.1       President
The President of the HSC shall have the following responsibilities: (1) organize and preside at official Board of Directors’ Meetings and general membership meetings; (2) overall management of the Club’s operations, including operational decisions with respect to specific situations, including the authority to temporarily suspend any appointed HSC coach, assistant coach or official when it is impractical to solicit the approval of the full Board of Directors – with the understanding that any such action must be reported to the full Board of Directors in a timely manner and subjected to their review and approval; (3) implementation of decisions made by the Board of Directors; (4) signatory of checks in the absence of the Treasurer; (5) appointment of temporary members of the Board of Directors (to be approved by a majority vote of the existing directors); (6) to act as the HSC’s primary representative at mandatory affiliate meetings; (7) to participate in the evaluation of coaches and review parent questionnaires; (8) in conjunction with the Fields Director, to work with the relevant town officials to ensure adequate field time and to verify that game fields are properly lined and are in a safe and playable condition; (9) overall public relations for the HSC; and (10) liaison with local government and school officials on all matters affecting the Club.
6.2       Vice-President
The Vice-President of the HSC shall (1) assume all powers of the President in his/her absence; (2) represent HSC at all league meetings and functions as the primary league contact (in the absence of the president); (3) develop game schedules and field assignments; (4) coordinate referee assignments with the league; (5) coordinate and develop the referee mentoring program; (6) work with the President and Coaching Director in evaluating all HSC coaches; (7) perform such additional responsibilities as may be assigned by the President or the Board. 
6.3       Secretary

The Secretary of the HSC shall (1) take and maintain the minutes of all Board of Directors meetings which, upon approval by the Board, shall become the official record of actions taken by the Board of Directors; (2) maintain the HSC bylaws, policies and procedures and collect and propose any changes to same from club members; (3) handle other club correspondence not otherwise assigned; (4) maintain files of all official club correspondence generated by the Board of Directors; (5) send out meeting notifications and all other official HSC correspondence. 

6.4       Registrar and Treasurer

The Registrar and Treasurer of the HSC shall (1) develop the annual HSC budget and submit said budget to the Board of Directors for approval in accordance with the HSC’s fiscal year; (2) maintain a record of all HSC expenditures and keep the Board of Directors apprised of the status of expenditures against the budget in a Treasurer’s report at all monthly meetings; (3) maintain the HSC’s checking account and such other accounts as the HSC may set up; (4) maintain the HSC’s financial and tax records and related documents; (5) file and maintain the HSC’s Articles of Incorporation with the State of New Hampshire; and (6) organize and manage tryouts and make assignments of players to teams in conjunction with the Board of Directors. 

6.5       Coaching Director

The Coaching Director and Registrar of the HSC shall (1) develop, manage or advise the Board and all HSC coaches of programs to improve and enhance the knowledge and skill of the HSC’s coaches; (2) ensure that the HSC’s coaches at all levels meet the HSC’s and the league’s licensing and training requirements; (3) act as the coaches’ representative to the Board of Directors and communicate policy decisions, procedures, and other relevant information from the Board to the coaches; and (4) in association with the President and Vice-President, evaluate coaches and recommend appointments, developmental actions, or removal of individual coaches – which recommendations shall  be made to the full Board of Directors for approval.

6.6       Equipment and Fields Directors

The Equipment and Fields Director of the HSC shall (1) schedule all practice and game locations in conjunction with the Town of Hopkinton and league contacts; (2) coordinate all activities associated with maintaining and preparing fields/equipment for games and practices; (3) ensure that practice and game fields are in safe and playable condition, and are mowed and lined accordingly; (4) inventory, manage and account for all HSC equipment; (5) procure such additional equipment as shall be required by the HSC or its teams; (6) prepare an annual budget for equipment and submit same to the Treasurer for inclusion in the annual budget; (7) procure team uniforms on a timely basis; (8) prepare an annual budget for uniforms and submit same to the Treasurer for inclusion in the annual budget; (9) prepare competitive bidding presentations for purchases of uniforms, warm-ups, jackets, bags and related apparel and equipment on an ongoing basis for Board of Directors’ review.  

6.7       Public Relations Coordinator

The Public Relations Coordinator of the HSC shall (1) gather, organize and distribute a newsletter at the beginning of each season; (2) prepare and distribute periodic e-bulletins on newsworthy items including significant Board decisions and team accomplishments, etc.; (3) update the HSC website; (4) timely utilize the local print, TV and other media to disseminate information about the HSC and its teams; (5) assist various Board members with their communications needs for various Board-sanctioned activities including games, fund-raisers, tryouts and training schedules; (6) build positive relationships with the Town of Hopkinton and its Boards, local media outlets, and local businesses for the purpose of supporting the HSC; (7) developing a sponsorship program for the HSC and its teams. 

Added to Website 06/09/2014, last updated7/19/2022

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